Committee Information
Display the key details including the contact details of important people within your council - including the clerk and councillors
Domain Name
You have the option to use your own custom website address for your website instead of using one of our branded ones
Email Addresses
You have the ability to add as many email address and accounts as you need to the domain, allowing you to organise emails into separate council uses
File Management
You have the ability to publish documents such as leaflets, annual reports and press releases in a number of document formats on the website
Fully Responsive Design
A council website design that will work on mobiles, tablets and computers completely natively
Manage Users
Create and manage a number of user accounts and their ability to update the website in a simply to use format
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
There are a number of different ways to display the agendas and meetings, however, all have the capability of being exported as a Word document so they can be printed and saved easily onto user's computers
News and Events
You have the ability to announce news within your council and its area, as well as schedule community and council events on separate calendars for ease of use
Unlimited Forms
You can create as many forms and questionnaires as your organisation needs, choose as many as you need for contact and more options
Unlimited Pages
You have the ability to add any amount of pages on the website that your council requires - including pages in a variety of formats including blank pages, web forms and more